West Broadway BIA Vancouver, BC
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Great things are happening in #theheartofkits!


Canada One Foundation:

Organizers of Vancouver’s #1 sports and arts beach festival, KitsFest, celebrating diversity and inclusiveness for all ages and walks of life.  In August 2023, the West Broadway BIA co-hosted our first outdoor movie on the beach as part of the KitsFest weekend!  The foundation has also reinvested in community legacy upgrades including Kits basketball courts, Kits tennis court renovations, and Kits Beach palm trees.  For more info, visit www.canadaonefoundation.com or contact Ron Putzi at ronputzi@gmail.com.

Canuck Place:

Canuck Place Children’s Hospice provides pediatric palliative care and makes a difference in the lives of children and families in need in BC. For more info and ways to support, visit www.canuckplace.org or contact Caitlin Jung at: Caitlin.Jung@canuckplace.org


Car Free Day Kitsilano:

For Vancouver’s Car Free Days in summer, Kits residents host street block parties with their neighbours! To host a block party, visit www.carfreevancouver.org or contact: Kitsilano@carfeevancouver.org.

Elementary School PACs

A big community shout out and thanks to the local parents that participate on their elementary school PACs – and high school PACs too!  School PACs help coordinate programs and events, fundraising and much more to provide valuable support for students and their schools.  We’re grateful to partner with Bayview Community School, General Gordon, Henry Hudson, Lord Tennyson and more to make a positive impact at school and in the community.


Family Services of Greater Vancouver:

Providing counselling and other essential services to the most vulnerable people, from youth to adults in our community, and helping build strong families.  The West Broadway BIA partners with FSGV and local merchants on the Caring Neighbours Holiday Fundraiser, raising donations for local families in need.  For more info, visit www.fsgv.ca or contact Amanda Sayfy at asayfy@fsgv.ca.  EVENTS: annual events include a Speakeasy Soiree fundraising gala in October, and the Caring Neighbours Holiday Fundraiser throughout December.


Hellenic Canadian Congress of BC:

Promoting the retention and development of Hellenism through educational, social, political, and cultural projects and activities.  The Hellenic Congress coordinates Greek Heritage Month and Greek Day on Broadway, and the West Broadway BIA provides partnership support for these wonderful initiatives celebrating the area’s heritage.  For more info, please visit www.helleniccongressbc.ca or contact info@helleniccongressbc.ca.


Hollywood Theatre:

Have you visited Vancouver’s re-imagined, heritage-designated arts and entertainment space?  Treat yourself to experience the beautiful venue, friendly staff, delicious drinks and local treats – they’ve got charcuterie boards or you can order from local restaurants and have it delivered to you!  It’s a very magical place for both public and private events, fantastic pre-movie entertainment and specials, live shows, and more! For more info, visit www.hollywoodtheatre.ca or contact Heath Parsons at info@hollywoodtheatre.ca.

Hub Cycling:

Through education, action, and events in Metro Vancouver, HUB improves cycling conditions and nurtures healthier, happier, and more connected communities!  For more info, visit www.bikehub.ca, or contact Jenny Tan at jenny.tan@bikehub.ca. EVENTS: annual events include Bike to Work weeks in the Spring and Fall.


Kitsilano Business Leaders:

Kickstart your day with networking and keynote presentations by business leaders!  For more info, visit www.meetup.com/kitsilanobusinessleaders/ or contact Judy Reiman at: judyreiman2@gmail.com.


Kitsilano Community Centre:

An inclusive, organization, offering a variety of recreational activities for people of all ages.  For more info, visit www.kitscc.com or contact Irene Lagacé  at kcca.vancouver@gmail.comEVENTS: annual events include Halloween Howl in October, Diwali in Kits in November, and Breakfast with Santa in December.


Kitsilano-Fairview CPC:

Volunteers and police provide safety resources, patrols, audits, and more for residents and businesses.  Learn more at www.vancouver.ca/police/community-policing/kitsilano-fairview.html or contact Alex Shahamat, Program Manager at kitsfaircpc@gmail.com.


Kitsilano Neighbourhood House:

Engaging community needs, from tots to seniors, through valuable and inclusive programs and services. For more info, visit www.kitshouse.org or contact Teddy Chan at teddyc@kitshouse.org.  EVENTS: annual events include an Autumn Fair in the fall, and Winter Market during the winter holiday season.


Kitsilano Secondary:

WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM: providing volunteer opportunities for students.  For more info, contact Alicia Kersten at: akersten@vsb.bc.ca  COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TEAM: programs for youth in collaboration with the community.  For more info, contact: info@vsb.bc.ca  |  ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: raising scholarship funds, fostering fellowships, and supporting school achievements, thereby strengthening relationships in the Kits community.  For more info, visit www.kssaa.ca.


Kitsilano Showboat:

Providing free multi-cultural entertainment to residents and visitors, and a venue for entertainers of all ages and abilities to perform at a world-class venue, since 1953! The Showboat operates every summer from June to August at Kits Beach.  For more info, visit www.kitsilanoshowboat.com or contact Barry Leinbach at KitsilanoShowboat@hotmail.com.


Meraloma Rugby Club

Whether it be competitive or social, men’s or women’s, junior, mini or even older, the Lomas have a team for you. The regular season runs from September to May and new players are always welcome!  For more info, visit www.meralomarugby.com or contact communications@meralomarugby.com.

MLA David Eby’s Community Office:

When you contact the Community Office, David Eby and his staff will do everything they can to assist.  Connect with local resources and services, including local governance, legal assistance / civil rights / advocacy,  housing / assistance for renters / tenant rights, employment and income assistance, health services, senior services, childcare resources, business resources, grants, homeless and shelter resources, and food security / farmers markets.  For more info, visit www.davidebymla.ca or contact david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca.

Music Heals:

Supporting a wide range of music therapy services to communities in BC and across Canada, including access to music therapy for patients of all ages in hospitals, habilitation, bereavement support and more.  For more info, visit www.musicheals.ca or contact info@musicheals.ca.


Residents Associations:

UPPER KITS: from Macdonald to Alma St., and W. 10th to W.16th Ave.  For more info, contact:  upperkitsilanoresidentsassociation@hotmail.com  |  WEST KITS: from English bay shore to Broadway, and Alma to Balsam and Vine. For more info, visit www.westkitsresidents.wordpress.com or contact: westkitsresidents@gmail.com.


Small Business BC:

Tools, resources, and education at every stage of business. Visit www.smallbusinessbc.ca for events and free resources or contact expert advisors at: askus@smallbusinessbc.caSmall Business BC Awards nominations open in the Fall!


St. James Community Square:

Affordable space for educational, cultural, recreational, and social activities, including St. James Hall and multi-purpose rooms.  For more info, visit www.sjcommunitysquare.org or contact: info@sjcommunitysquare.org.


The Vancouver Speed Skating Club:

The Vancouver Speed Skating Club has been training at Kitsilano Rink for 45 years, and we are thrilled to begin supporting them this year. If you’re in the neighbourhood, they will be hosting speed skating races live at Kitsilano Rink on Feb 17, 9am-1pm, and even more racing on September 27. See you at the rink!


Tourism Vancouver:

The official source of tourist information for Vancouver – hotels, restaurants, things to do, events and much more!  Plus, valuable member opportunities for businesses.  For more info, visit www.tourismvancouver.com.


Vancouver Heritage Foundation:

Vancouver Heritage Foundation promotes the appreciation and conservation of our city’s historic places for current and future generations. For more info, visit www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org or contact Jessica Quan at jessica@vancouverheritagefoundation.org.

Vancouver Public Library – Kitsilano Branch:

The VPL has been dedicated to your lifelong learning, reading, and information needs!  For more info, visit www.vpl.ca/branches/details/kitsilano_branch or contact Mark Koep at: mark.koep@vpl.ca.


Village Vancouver

Village Vancouver engages individuals, neighbourhoods, and organizations to take actions that build sustainable communities and have fun doing it!  They are a hub of knowledge and resources, helping both to spawn walkable neighbourhood Villages in the city, and to assist other cities in our region with Transition.  For more info, www.villagevancouver.ca or contact Ross Moster at info@villagevancouver.ca.

West Side Family Place:

A family resource centre offering parenting support and child-focused programming for families with children from birth to six years. For more info, visit www.westsidefamilyplace.com or contact Diane Elliot-Buckley at: wsfp@telus.net.

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West Broadway BIA

c/o Suite 238 - 2912 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6K 0E9
Tel 778-384–6377
Fax 604-739-8511