West Broadway BIA Vancouver, BC
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Greek Day on Broadway opportunities in 2024!

Greek Day on Broadway opportunities in 2024!

Get ready to celebrate 50 years of Greek Day on Broadway on Sunday June 23rd! There will be delicious food, live music, dancing, art, and many more exciting activities.

Please see the following participation packages for more information:

Sponsorship package

  • Becoming a sponsor for the Greek Day on Broadway, an incredible event that offers excellent opportunities for community engagement and business promotion. The sponsorship helps put on various activities for everyone to enjoy. For the chance to develop new partnerships, visit the website page if you’re interested in becoming a sponsor or contact partnerships@greekday.com

Vendor package

  • To participate in this incredible event, you can become a vendor and showcase your products, services, or provide information to a diverse audience of locals and visitors of all ages. This is your chance to engage with thousands of attendees at this fun-filled street party! OPA!
For more event information, please contact:

General event inquiries: contact@greekday.com
Parterships: partnerships@greekday.com
Hellenic Congress President / Co-chair of Greek Day: George@helleniccongressbc.ca
Hellenic Congress Secretary / Co-chair of Greek Day: Gianna@greekheritagemonth.com

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West Broadway BIA

c/o Suite 238 - 2912 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6K 0E9
Tel 778-384–6377
Fax 604-739-8511