Kits community and West Broadway patrons – we can make a difference!
Together, we can help support families in need for the holidays and beyond with the Family Services Caring Neighbours Program. Due to COVID and health guidelines, we’ve planned a safe way that donations can be made, and local treats for you too!
Please help us reach our goal by making a financial gift – it will only take a few moments, and includes a VIP pass to Santa’s nice list ;–) 🎅🏻
Everyone who makes a donation will be entered to win a $50 West Broadway VISA card, and donations over $100 will be entered to win a $100 West Broadway VISA card with special shop local offers.
Donations over $500 will receive a $50 West Broadway VISA card (while quantities last!)
To make an online donation, please visit www.fsgv.ca/wbbiaholiday2020/
Thank you for your support, and a big Santa-sized high five to all of the caring neighbours out there!
Since 2015, local merchants and patrons have raised over 1000 donations for over 350 families. The West Broadway BIA developed the fundraising initiative in partnership with Family Services of Vancouver. Over the years, the initiative has grown to other areas and also received a BIABC award, celebrating what is possible by working together.
For more information about the Caring Neighbours program, please contact Lisa Mitchell, Fund Development Coordinator at Family Services, at lmitchell@fsgv.ca or 604-731-4951 x4011.