West Broadway BIA Vancouver, BC
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Omega Travel

Omega Travel - finalOmega Travel 
Owner: Nick Panos
Year Established: 1974

In September of 1974 Nick Panos opened Omega Travel in the heart of Vancouver’s Greek town in Kitsilano. Initially established to help the members of the Hellenic community travel to Greece to spend the holidays with their families, Omega Travel has evolved over the last 40 years to become one of Western Canada’s leading expert travel agencies.

Over the years Nick has consistently been an active member of the community: he is a founding and current board member for the West Broadway BIA, one of the founders of Greek Day and a long-standing member of the Hellenic Congress of BC.

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West Broadway BIA

c/o Suite 238 - 2912 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6K 0E9
Tel 778-384–6377
Fax 604-739-8511