West Broadway BIA Vancouver, BC
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Holiday Shopping Night & Street Party – DEC. 5!

Holiday Shopping Night & Street Party - DEC. 5!

On Friday, December 5th,’tis the season for holiday fashion & FUN at local merchants on West Broadway!

Stars are lining the streets and there’s holiday treats! From holiday lighting to holiday specials, make your holiday wish list come true!

  • Treat yourself to in-store SHOPPING PARTIES, eatery specials, FREE SANTA PHOTOS, holiday karaoke, entertainment, kids activities & much more!
  • ENTER TO WIN a “VIP Holi-DAY on Broadway” including limo ride, shopping gift certificates, salon, spa, lunch, coffee and chocolate break, and dinner for two! Enter at the event tent at Broadway and MacDonald.

HAPPY HOLIDAY WISHES from West Broadway merchants and the Business Improvement Association!


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West Broadway BIA

c/o Suite 238 - 2912 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6K 0E9
Tel 778-384–6377
Fax 604-739-8511